Showing: 19 - 20 of 20 RESULTS
Cucine Gicinque a Mosca

New Gicinque kitchen showroom in Moscow

Gicinque kitchens are always more international and come to the capital of Russia! The new kitchen showroom GL STUDIO in Moscow, recently opened in the furniture shopping mall TRI KITA, shows in fact the modern and classic kitchens made by Gicinque. In the pictures below, you can see the Gicinque models on display in the new showroom in Moscow: the …

Cucina Charme di Gicinque alla fiera di Montpellier

Gicinque kitchens at the exhibition Foire International de Montpellier

Gicinque kitchens lands to France! The Gicinque modern kitchen Charme is in fact on display from 5th till 15th October 2012 at the exhibition Foire International de Montpellier, an international showcase of products for the home, food, handicraft, energy (Go to the website). Charme is a model in which design and experience meet to create aesthetic taste and formally clean …